Wednesday, October 24, 2007

As you may all know, the North Beaches Artwalk was a huge success. Many thanks to all who participated. Linda Stewart of Archway Framing and Gallery saw a vision in her new territory and made it happen. She and Alice Gartland of The Beaches Leader, spearheaded a committee to get things going. The gals at First Street Gallery along with Joelyn Johnson, Terese Muller and Francesca Tabor-Miolla managed to put everything in place in a short time period. This artwalk, which is held on the third Thursday of every month, is expected to grow and flourish. All merchants and artists were very pleased with the turnout. Come out to Atlantic/Neptune Beaches on November 15 and see art, listen to outdoor music and get a bite to eat. Make Archway your first stop and say hello to Linda.